Monday, March 30, 2009

The Schedule is Set - For the Most Part

Well, I've finally made a few decisions. It's tough trying to get a race schedule set when there's a wife, family members, and work involved, but I'm finally done. I think any way. I had nearly decided to back out of Powerman Alabama which is coming up on April 19th. I really wasn't happy with the course and felt that it was going to take away from the enjoyment of the race. Also, there was an Olympic/Intermediate distance race the next week down in Pensacola that could have replaced it. After finding out that we're planning a trip to the beach the following week, it just makes more since to stay in town the week of the Oly Race. Problem solved. I'm going to suck it up and do Powerman. Now, the only thing to do is to prepare for the thing.

The last time I raced Powerman (2007), I ran the 8K in 34 mins and some change. After the 50K bike, I ran the second 8K in 40 mins and a lot of change. I struggled. That's not going to happen this year. I have two workouts in the bank where my second run has consistently stayed right at the 7 min/mile pace. The first was a 3 mile R/ 30 mile B / 3 mile R. The second was a 4 mile R/1:05 B/ 4 mile R. Leg strength was great. Energy was there. Now I just need to stretch it out a bit more.

Despite an odd cold breeze here or there, Spring is here and is in full swing. The pollen has me a little stopped up which only seems to bother me while I'm swimming. Just another reason why I shouldn't swim right?

I have a shortened week here. I'm headed down to the beach late Thursday after work. Despite my wife's belief we're going to relax, I'm going to train. Flat roads, head winds, and fresh seafood, here I come.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

First Weekend of Spring

My wife headed south to Mobile, AL on Thursday for the weekend to see her folks. I being the bread winner stayed behind to well, win the bread. I decided to make use of my new found freedom and mark the beginning of Spring with a big multisport weekend of training.
It all started on Thursday after work. I met up with Dr. Nitrous for some bike hill repeats on Bailey Rd. I had a 10 mile ride in before we hit the hill. The hill provides a steep side and a curvy longer side for two types of hill work. The plan was to go all out and attack the short steep side, ride down the curvy side, then go back up the curvy side in a seated position. This worked out great. We did three repeats then cooked it back to the start for a great work out.
Friday, I rested my legs and hit the pool for 4 500 yd time trials. The speed and endurance work has really improved my splits. My times are dropping to an almost reportable number.
Saturday was brick day. Dr. Nitrous and I met up with Team Hathorne himself for a 46 mile ride. Dr. Nitrous is gearing up for New Orleans 70.3 in a few weeks so his training is getting close to the taper phase. I spent the day on the Cervelo, my tri bike. Despite still have a fat trainer tire on the back wheel I felt incredible in the saddle and FAST! The changes I've made to my position on the bike is spot on. I'm more aero, but also feel like I'm getting more oomph out of my legs.
After the ride, the boys had to head out so I threw on the running shoes and took off. Legs felt great and energy was good. I've started training with Cliff Bars and I love em. I'm getting good energy and they're easy to chew on the bike. Anyway, the run was great. 5 miles at a 7:00 clip. I don't think I could've run much faster than that, but I was really encouraged with my leg strength and my energy. Big confidence booster.
Sunday - Recovery Ride. It was meant to be shared with a larger group, but I must have missed the memo cause nobody showed up. It's a group ride that I haven't ridden much, so I can't say that I've been in the loop. So I turned my focus to staying the small chain ring as much as possible and keeping my cadence in the 90's. Once again, the sun was out in full effect and made for a perfect day. I had 70ish degree weather from start to finish. I climbed to the top of Shades Mountain and rode the ridge out to the Ross Bridge area. Beautiful scenery and a great ride. I did 41 miles and came away with a bit of a sun burn on my arms, legs, and neck. Love it.
I'm really happy with the way my training is going right now. I'm ready to start turning some dials and seeing if I can get in peak shape now for the upcoming season.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Training Update

This week is off to a good start. I completed my own mini Duathlon on Sunday. I ran three miles at 6:50 pace, rode for an hour and a half on the trainer while watching "Cinderella Man," and finished with a 3 mile run holding strong at a 7:14 pace. I still need to set my computer to read off my back tire rather than my front tire so I can keep up with speed rather than just cadence and RPE. This is all in prep for Powerman AL which is a 5 mi run, 34 mi Bike, 5 mi run duathlon. More on that in a bit.
Monday is a recovery/swim day. Here's what my swim work out looks like: 10 X 50 (leaving every minute), 5 X 100, 3 X 200, 2 X 300, 1 X 400. These are all out efforts. I'm doing my best to keep my pace around a 45 second lap. It's easy early on, but just ain't happening later on.
Tuesday - I shouldn't have done it, but I took the day off from running. I wanted to be in good form for the local Tuesday Night World Championships. It's a 30 mile ride where all the local cycling groups get together and see how fast they can ride the course. It's an all out hammer fest once we make it through the neighborhoods. I'm in a kind of love/hate thing with this ride right now. I love the camaraderie and the challenge of riding in a fast moving peleton with a lot of jockeying for position. BUT, I'm just not getting a great workout. The group averages anywhere from 27-36 mph in the flats, but for me, it's all in a windless vacuum. I'm just getting swept along. I'll either have to start moving up to the front and doing my share of pulls or I'll just need to suck it up and enjoy the ride for what it is.
Wednesday - Alarm clock went off at 5:30 am for a date with the bike on a trainer. I popped in Fight Club (awesome movie by the way) and put in a hour of work while doing 3 sets of 8 minute intervals in Zone 4. Great workout. Loved watching a messed up movie before work too.
Lunch was spent back in the pool. Just an endurance swim today. 1.2 miles of easy going laps. Felt great, but time is always a factor. Had to be back at work.

Transition to Powerman. The race has been moved to downtown Birmingham for the first time this year. The course was finally revealed today, and it was exactly like I feared. It's going to be three 10.3 mile loops that stay downtown featuring twenty-five 90 degree turns per lap. I was pretty disappointed to see this. The course resembles more of a criterium than a time trial course. Now, I'm having to decide whether to ride the TT bike or the road bike. Which is better? How much time will I lose trying to make the turns on my TT bike compared to the road bike? I decided that I will have to start practicing making these types of turns and hitting the gas afterwards. Regardless. I'll make it work and will race my best.

That's all for now. Tailwinds....

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Perseverance 5K

This morning was the Perseverance 5K, and it was a rainy and gloomy morning. I really didn't have high hopes going into the race due to the weather. I thought for sure it was slow me down just a bit. I met up with Dr. Nitrous, Team Hathorne, and BGillis before the race. It was good to laugh and cut up before a race. This is something that never happens before a triathlon or a major running race. I really miss that.
The plan was to run the first mile sub goal, the second at goal pace, and then just hang on for the third and .1. The last mile and a half is a steady climb and a killer. My previous PR in this race two years ago was 20:31. I knew I was faster than that now, but the question was could I go sub 20.
My plan started off perfectly. I did 5:59 the first mile and felt great. I was cruising after mile 2 with a 6:24 pace. The steady hill started wearing on me, but I just kept focusing on the guy in front of me who was about 20 yards ahead. I knew I was in the front group, but didn't know how close. Mile 3 clicked in at 6:28 pace. I knew I had a chance at the guy in front so I threw down the hammer and took him just after the 3 mile marker sign. I was dying, but I hit my goal crossing the line at 19:46. First in AG and 5th overall. I can't get too exited about the placing because that's all about who shows up. I am stoked about going sub 20 for the first time.
I made it back to the house and got on the trainer for a while. The rain ruined my big brick day, but I can always do it tomorrow.
Instead, I had the distinct honor of cleaning house. Woo hoo.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Feeling Good, Feeling Fine, It's Brick time

Yeah, it's brick time baby! Build 'em up. This weekend will mark the first weekend in which I'll start peppering my workout schedule with weekend bricks. Now, I've been doing two-a-days for a while, but none in such a way that could be described as a brick.

With my first race being a Du, Powerman Alabama (8K,50K,8K), my weekends will be more Run/Bike/Run oriented. Don't worry, I'm still a fish during the week. I haven't forgotten the all important first leg of the triathlon. I am getting tired of smelling like the pool though.

This weekend I'm actually running my first 5K in two years! Yeah, wow. That's a long time. I typically don't run 5K's because they usually are held on Saturdays which are my long days, I have enough t-shirts, and they're kinda ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. But, this one is different. It's a half mile from the house and it'd be the perfect start to a good Du day. Run the race, bike ride, and return to run the course again. Not too bad. I'm a little faster now than two years ago, so I'm going for that all important PR and a sub 20 min finish. I've only ever done that on a track and that doesn't count. We'll see how it goes this weekend.

Dr. Nitrous and Team Hathorne are meeting me for the race and will complete the Du with me. Neither are quite in form right now so I plan on showing them my backside the whole day. They did it to me last year, so theirs is coming.

That's all for now. Tail winds to you all.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Let's Get it On!

Now the title is not to be read in the "motown bedroom" type mindset. No it's meant to be read in the "Ring the bell, Game on, release the hounds" type mindset. I'm talking about Tri season and the training that ensues. I'm done training for running races and just being a weekend cyclist. I'm reading to start laying down some bricks and to hone in my multisport skillz. That's right "SKILLZ!"
I've committed myself to be in the pool no less than 3 times a week which is big for me. My weekly yardage isn't quite up to par with the rest of the tri world, but it's substantially more than I'm used to. Right now the goal is 2000-2500 yards through speed work, drills, and endurance sets. I did my first 1.2 mile swim on Saturday in 35:27 which I'm stoked about. Now the goal is to be able to do that at about 70-80% effort.
Today was a speed session workout which I haven't done in an embarrassing number of months. My muscular endurance isn't quite what it used to be, but hey, that's what training is for right?
Biking: Well I have to say that I'm loving my new trainer. Although being in Birmingham, AL permits me to ride all year round, I am enjoying the luxury of riding while watching HBO's Band of Brothers. Awesome awesome awesome.
Running: It's my go to sport right now. Endurance and speed is high. I'm trimming it back a little right now and keeping my long runs to 10 miles or less and only doing speed work on 5 miles or less. Going to need a new pair of shoes soon.
Weight, nutrition: Well, I've given up sweets for Lent so that should help. I'm still about 8-9 pounds off my ideal lean race day weight, but I'm cool for now.
That's all for now. Happy training and tailwinds...