Finding time or the strength to train as of late has been difficult to say the least. My routine of working out before work every morning is a thing of the past. Now, I'm struggling to put together a few consecutive hours of sleep just so I can function at work. We're into our 4th week now and things are slowly getting better. I am managing to run a couple of times a week before work, but nothing else goes on until the weekends. Even then, my weekend training is down to an hour and a half sessions.
It's been pretty tough watching my Ironman-forged six pack disappear behind the baked zitis, the casseroles, cookies, and other deeply fattening meals provided by friends and family. It's been great, don't get me wrong. I love to eat, but man it just hasn't been healthy. Luckily it's winter time and there aren't any races in sight, and there's no real need for me to be on top of my game.
BUT! Man, it's killing me not to be making some serious games in my fitness, much less taking steps back. So, what's a new dad going to do? Well, I'll tell you. He's going to check the calendar, and put a running race on the calendar that's what. January 9th, just over 1 month from today, there is a "Red Nose" 10 miler. I still have my endurance up for the long distance runs so no issues there, but I just haven't had the speed. This weekend I managed to get two 10 milers in. The plan each day was to run the first 5 miles at a comfortable pace and then turn around and negative split the second 5. Each one went well and overall it gave me hope. None of my splits were under 7 minute miles which is the eventual goal, but for where I am now I'll take it.
So, I'm not dead. I have some goals, and I'm going to fight like hell to find time to make them happen. Other than that, I am the happiest guy in the world with the cutest little girl in the world.