Monday, October 19, 2009

Great Weather Weekend

Despite the colder than normal temps, this was the first weekend in FOREVER where it hasn't rained which made getting out imperative. Saturday morning, Dr. Nitrous and I started our planned "hard run" at the pre-dawn hour of 5:45 with full expectations that it would be daylight by the time we returned. We were hoping to be able to get on the bike and ride, but it was still dark when we finished. Not being crazy about riding in the dark, we had to wait until just after 7 before we could start. This was too cool.
Except for my snot machine working overtime throughout the ride, the route was enjoyable. I still don't have the sustainable speed, but I can still find good endurance over the course of the ride. But right now, I'm not looking to be fast.
Sunday, I met up with my good friend Lary, a newbie triathlete, to run the Mercedes 1/2 Marathon course in downtown Birmingham. My goal for this run was just to keep the pace around an 8:00 and enjoy the surroundings. I was happy to find this pace to be easier than expected. As I've mentioned, I haven't had many long distance runs under a 9:00 pace as I was training for IM. That's pretty embarrassing seeing it in print.
So, my plan is to continue working that pace down to a more respectable number. Lary had a great run. It's great to see such improvement in someone who is coming into their own as an athlete. He truly has come a long way. Can't wait to see what he can do in the future.

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