As of today we're officially in the 3 week countdown to Ironman. These past two weeks have been killer long and hard. Last weekend featured a 6 hour ride of 120 miles which as luck would have it was done on one of the hotter days we've had all year. It's days like that where I'm thanking God that I'm heading north for this race. This ride definitely taught me to respect the distance of the race and to make sure to pace myself.
Yesterday was my last longish ride at 80 miles followed by an easy 50 minute run. Today was my last 20 miler on the run. The temps were on my side for both events and my legs showed it. Great leg strength with plenty of kick to pull it in and finish strong. I've had some doubts over the last couple of weeks, but it seems like everything is coming together and I'll be ready to go.
Funny thing though, the only injury I have right now still is that nagging sore ankle that only seems to bother me when I swim. It feels absolutely fine while running and riding. I'm going to forgo my Monday long swim and keep the yardage low. No since in messing it up more. I'm confident in my swim (wow, did I just say that? That's never happened)
All in all, can't be happier with where my training is and where my head is. Looking forward to having a blast and crossing the line. I'll definitely miss all the training and the time spent getting to push myself and see what I'm made of. Hopefully, there will be more of these in the future. If not, I'm so thankful to have this opportunity.
Only 3 weeks!! Tapering soon I suppose? So exciting. I'm sure you are excited about it.