Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Plymouth Rock IDT - The Swim

The morning started at 3:30 am. I started off with 3 packs of Oatmeal and an Ensure Plus drink for a good source of calories. The drive in was dark and peaceful. The temp was high 50's/low 60's. This didn't feel cool at all until I arrived at the race site to discover a big wind blowing in from the harbor. I heard some say they expected 15 mph winds all day. That didn't sound like much, but I can tell you it felt like a lot. I actually looked forward to putting on my wetsuit so I could warm up.
They bused us half a mile up the road to the start of the swim. The swim started along beside a jetty which protects the boats in the harbor and as I would find, it protects triathletes as well. As non-chalently as I could imagine, the race director counted down from ten and said "go." I was expecting a bit more, but didn't sit and ponder it as I had an ironman in front of me.

The water closest to the jetty was a bit shallow, and I could see some guys off to my left actually walking. I found my rhythm fairly quickly and easily and sat in the middle of the pack. I had no idea of my pace, rather I just went with what felt right. Fifteen minutes later I would come to the end of the jetty and what began as a calm swim would become a tumultuous battle through the ups and downs of heavy waves pushing through. It almost felt like I was going backwards, but I made the turn around in just over 17 minutes. I headed back for the protection of the jetties being 1/4 of the way done. I hit the 1/2 way point in 35 minutes being spot on for my normal IM pace. I started feeling the effects and getting tired through the next section which was really evident when I passed the end of the jetty, but then it was time to head toward the finish which was the Mayflower II. I hit my watch as I crossed the mat and it read 1:08. Official results show 1:13, so who knows. Doesn't matter. I was finished with the swim, and it was time to ride.

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