Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Running and the Waiting Game

"In that he didn't die at the finish line, he could have run faster" - Tim Noakes

Well Tim, after Sunday's run I don't know that I could agree with you. Although I think that I might be getting close to reaching my limits. I set out Sunday for my weekly long run in attempts to regain my lost speed at longer distance runs. Recap from last week: the plan was to run miles 1-8 at a 7:50 pace, then drop the hammer to see what I could do for the remaining 5.1 miles. This plan worked great in that I was able to drop my overall pace down to a 7:36 per mile with plenty still in the tank. This week the plan was to run miles 1-8 at a 7:36 and then see what I could do for the remaining 5.1. The first part went well, but I could tell a start difference in my breathing than the prior week. I just didn't have the same pop as before when I hit mile 8. Nonetheless, I did my best, but started noticing a little ache in my right quad. It really started bothering me at mile 11 and brought me to a halt .25 miles later. I stopped to stretch it out and to see if I could "walk it off." I never really felt better, but I was able to get moving again. My pace took a nose dive due to the quad issue, but also because I was reaching the upper limits of my aerobic capacity. I lumbered into the finish in 1:37:27 a 7:27 pace. Not bad considering my issues, but seriously I don't think I could have gone any faster. It's still off from where I feel my abilities lie, but for me right now I think it's a good indicator of what I'm able to do.
As for the waiting game, we're about a week and a half from the scheduled due date for my first child. Can't wait. It's like Christmas or 5:00 on Friday in that it feels like it will never get here.
Until then, I'm going to keep running (and swim and bike) as much as I can. I have a feeling those opportunities will be hard to come by soon enough.

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