Friday, May 1, 2009

Beach Training Day 1

I discovered this morning that the pool our condo association rebuilt after Hurricane Ivan is almost 25 yards long from end to end. So while I usually have to give up swimming while at the beach, I was able to put in a good effort this morning before the pool was taken over by floats and screaming kids. While getting up at 6:00 am insured that there wouldn't be anyone watching me from their balcony, I did have one spectator in the form of a sand crab that had somehow found his way into the pool. I tried to get the poor guy out, but he took me only as a threat to his new found world and raised his pinchers to send a message.

After the swim, I took off for what was described in my training plan as an hour and 15 minute "recovery run". I really had no idea what that was supposed to look like. I'm already doing my long runs at an extremely slow pace, so should I run this slower? Well, I decided to just get the time in and not push it too hard. The run went well. I was glad to have started early because the sun was beginning to slip higher into the sky and warm up the day.

I made it back to the condo before my wife woke up which enabled me to get shower and get breakfast started. Today is her birthday so it was time to celebrate.

The rest of the day was spent either by the pool or on the beach. I finally finished reading Angels and Demons for the second time. Stoked about the upcoming movie. Now it's on to Pat Conroy's "The Water is Wide." Long ride tomorrow. It's time for bed.

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