Monday, June 22, 2009

Alabama Sports Festival Tri

This weekend, the State of Alabama held their annual sports festival here in Birmingham which features sports of every imaginable genre. I decided to compete in the triathlon this year as for the first time in a while it was held within a 20 minute drive of my house. I mean, how can you not right?
It's a Sprint course featuring a 400 yd swim, 12.5 mile bike, and a 5k. Real short stuff. There was a kids race held prior to the adult race that pushed our race back further and further which caused my wave to start around 9:20. I knew the sun was going to play a factor. The heat from the past few days had heated the lake up to near bath water temps.
The race started in 3 waves, 29 and under, all the women, and then the 30 and older crew which included me. I could tell from looking at the buoys that the swim was a little longer than 400 yards. The last buoy had floated off course which made the swim closer to 500 yards. Once my wave started, I decided that I was just going to find my rhythm and stick to it. My swim suffered last week because I never found a rhythm and thus could never catch my breath. This week, I was moving right along. I was first out of the water in my wave which shocked the hell out of me. I'm not a swimmer.
Out on the bike I started pushing the pace. I knew that I had a good chance of winning my AG at this race, but I knew I would need to use my strength to the fullest. About a mile into the ride, this big tall German came stroking by me with such ease. I saw a 39 on his calf and knew I couldn't let him go. I kept him close and tried pull him in. He was quick and efficient, but the hills would be his downfall. We played cat and mouse on the hills and the descents until I was finally able to drop him on the last big climb. I was passed a mile or so later by a guy in his 40's. I knew who it was. He'd beaten me last week. He is a strong cyclists, but I knew I could get him on the run. My only hope was to keep him close. That proved to be difficult. Within a half mile of the turn around the leader came flying by followed not too closely by a few more. I started counting and saw that I was in 9th place without considering the time gap. The only person ahead of me from my wave was the 40 + year old.
The turn around was a simple 180 turn in the road. I slowed down to make the turn, but it wasn't enough. I hit the pavement. Fuuuuuuuudgggggge. But I didn't say "fudge." I didn't hit hard enough to do any damage other than a few scrapes on the bike and my body, so I jumped back on to make up any lost time.
I only caught glimpses of the 40 year old in front of me from there. I was still able to push a decent speed so I wasn't too worried. I was giving it all I had.
I don't know if he faltered on the bike or decided to check his email, but I caught up with the guy I was chasing in transition. I was quick enough to be on his heels on the way out. My goal was to run 6:40's or so, but I could find it. I was still on this guys heels so I knew we were both struggling. I saw the leader before the turn around. He only had a mile to go. Behind him were 6 guys from the first wave. I decided to push it at the turn around and passed the guy I'd been chasing. From there, I knew I had a good chance to improve my position. I chased down 2 more guys who looked rough. The heat was having it's way. I caught up to 3 more guys but never passed them. I didn't have enough time or the legs. I crossed the finish line strong and ready to find some shade.
When the results were posted, I saw myself sitting in third over all. 20 seconds out of 2nd. How about that? Not my fastest race, but I'll take it.
The next thing was to watch my friend Gary cross the finish line for his 4th Triathlon ever. He's come a long way and it was cool to see him finish.
Back to training for the long stuff. Tailwinds.


  1. Awesome race! Glad you didn't do too much damage on that fall. But can be disorienting.

  2. Awesome job man...way to come back from a fall.
