Sunday, March 22, 2009

First Weekend of Spring

My wife headed south to Mobile, AL on Thursday for the weekend to see her folks. I being the bread winner stayed behind to well, win the bread. I decided to make use of my new found freedom and mark the beginning of Spring with a big multisport weekend of training.
It all started on Thursday after work. I met up with Dr. Nitrous for some bike hill repeats on Bailey Rd. I had a 10 mile ride in before we hit the hill. The hill provides a steep side and a curvy longer side for two types of hill work. The plan was to go all out and attack the short steep side, ride down the curvy side, then go back up the curvy side in a seated position. This worked out great. We did three repeats then cooked it back to the start for a great work out.
Friday, I rested my legs and hit the pool for 4 500 yd time trials. The speed and endurance work has really improved my splits. My times are dropping to an almost reportable number.
Saturday was brick day. Dr. Nitrous and I met up with Team Hathorne himself for a 46 mile ride. Dr. Nitrous is gearing up for New Orleans 70.3 in a few weeks so his training is getting close to the taper phase. I spent the day on the Cervelo, my tri bike. Despite still have a fat trainer tire on the back wheel I felt incredible in the saddle and FAST! The changes I've made to my position on the bike is spot on. I'm more aero, but also feel like I'm getting more oomph out of my legs.
After the ride, the boys had to head out so I threw on the running shoes and took off. Legs felt great and energy was good. I've started training with Cliff Bars and I love em. I'm getting good energy and they're easy to chew on the bike. Anyway, the run was great. 5 miles at a 7:00 clip. I don't think I could've run much faster than that, but I was really encouraged with my leg strength and my energy. Big confidence booster.
Sunday - Recovery Ride. It was meant to be shared with a larger group, but I must have missed the memo cause nobody showed up. It's a group ride that I haven't ridden much, so I can't say that I've been in the loop. So I turned my focus to staying the small chain ring as much as possible and keeping my cadence in the 90's. Once again, the sun was out in full effect and made for a perfect day. I had 70ish degree weather from start to finish. I climbed to the top of Shades Mountain and rode the ridge out to the Ross Bridge area. Beautiful scenery and a great ride. I did 41 miles and came away with a bit of a sun burn on my arms, legs, and neck. Love it.
I'm really happy with the way my training is going right now. I'm ready to start turning some dials and seeing if I can get in peak shape now for the upcoming season.


  1. I just found your new blog! Welcome back! :-) Looks like some great training already.

  2. Those "gift" weekends can be great trainging camps. Some impressive training!

  3. Clif bars are good on the bike but they tend to give me some...digestive troubles on the run.

    Awesome training weekend.
