Monday, March 2, 2009

Let's Get it On!

Now the title is not to be read in the "motown bedroom" type mindset. No it's meant to be read in the "Ring the bell, Game on, release the hounds" type mindset. I'm talking about Tri season and the training that ensues. I'm done training for running races and just being a weekend cyclist. I'm reading to start laying down some bricks and to hone in my multisport skillz. That's right "SKILLZ!"
I've committed myself to be in the pool no less than 3 times a week which is big for me. My weekly yardage isn't quite up to par with the rest of the tri world, but it's substantially more than I'm used to. Right now the goal is 2000-2500 yards through speed work, drills, and endurance sets. I did my first 1.2 mile swim on Saturday in 35:27 which I'm stoked about. Now the goal is to be able to do that at about 70-80% effort.
Today was a speed session workout which I haven't done in an embarrassing number of months. My muscular endurance isn't quite what it used to be, but hey, that's what training is for right?
Biking: Well I have to say that I'm loving my new trainer. Although being in Birmingham, AL permits me to ride all year round, I am enjoying the luxury of riding while watching HBO's Band of Brothers. Awesome awesome awesome.
Running: It's my go to sport right now. Endurance and speed is high. I'm trimming it back a little right now and keeping my long runs to 10 miles or less and only doing speed work on 5 miles or less. Going to need a new pair of shoes soon.
Weight, nutrition: Well, I've given up sweets for Lent so that should help. I'm still about 8-9 pounds off my ideal lean race day weight, but I'm cool for now.
That's all for now. Happy training and tailwinds...

1 comment:

  1. oh man I'm guess I'm the world's worst catholic...I didn't really give up anything for lent...maybe a larger donation to the War on ALS or Cystic Fibrosis this year...

    Goodluck training man and thanks for the comments. :)
